Monday, July 18, 2016

If this wasn't one of your childhood dreams....

​This is Bow Fight. A converted soccer field into a death match style game in which you shoot bows and (foam tipped) arrows against your opponents. Literally if this was not one of your childhood dreams. Idk.
Bow Fight, complete with paint ball barriers, and just so much craziness. Starting from the back line, you have to run to the center, grab a bow and some arrows. And then the madness begins. 2 hours of running and crouching and diving and ducking. 

Here I am, staying for another 6 weeks in Samut Prakaan. Same comp same area, but now we are more experienced with the area. Good things always coming from Samut Prakaan.

Epic story of the week
We were waiting for an investigator to show up for our lesson, chilling in a food court of a Tesco Lotus (The equivalent of maybe like a K-Mart/Wal-mart in Thailand) just waiting in the food court. As we are waiting and making calls, a lady comes up and gives us a strange look, so we notice her, but don't think much because this is Thailand. And we are foreigners. But then she comes closer, so we start talking to her and shares how she has a daughter interesting in switching religions and wants to know "How do you change religions?" So we get her number, set an appointment. First appointment doesn't go through, so we try again. Second time is the charm, we go and meet her at her house, thinking her daughter was the only one interested. Turns out, her and her two daughters and her son were all interested in learning about Christianity. And on top of all this, they share that they met some other white people who gave them some pamphlet about Christianity. So me goes and thinks, oh well that's nice probably wasn't missionaries like us. We ask them if they can go and grab the pamphlet and bring it here. And then here's the trippy part.

OUT COMES A BOOK OF MORMON. Old translation, probably around 5+ years old. WHAT. This family has been reading from the Book of Mormon for around 5 years, but just never found the missionaries again that gave it to them. Until that one day, she had no idea what she was going to Tesco for, just sorta in there cause she had some free time. Then she saw two white guys, dressed nicely, wearing ties and slacks. And WHAT. WOAH. And then this happened. They all had told us that they wouldn't be willing to meet with us if they weren't willing to change religions.

Wow that was way long. But probably the highlight of my whole week. So totes worth it.

Just a quick thought...
I'm not as young as I think I am being a missionary. I've been serving as a missionary for just over a year already and through my service I have found some scriptures that really really motivate me and get me pumped to be a missionary. Keep in mind, these are just my personal ideas, and everyone has to go out and do what works for them but here it goes. (feeling lazy so go search up the references on your own some time)

  • D&C 58:26: Be willing in doing all things, if you're not gonna do it with your heart in it, don't waste your time.
  • 2 Nephi 4:26-35: Never give up. Once you understand the blessings, there's no turning back. Trust in the Lord and ask for help in all things. Work hard, and then get help from our Heavenly Father who LOVES US. Unconditionally จริงๆ.
Stoked for another 6 weeks here.

Forgot to take pics this week, so this will have to suffice.

Elder แลลิส
Forward Ever. Stopping Never.

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